Somalia: Interim Southwest Admin leader inaugurated


BAIDOA, Somalia Dec 3, 2014 (Garowe Online)-The newly-elected President of Interim Southwest administration Sharif Hassan Shiekh Adan has on Wednesday been inaugurated in Bay regional capital of Baidoa with Federal Government of Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud present, Garowe Online reports.

In attendance were also delegations from Puntland and Galmudug, Federal MPs and international community representatives.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, President Mohamud urged Southwest state President to lead fairly the fledgling administration, and ensure that effective institutions are in place:” The tasks ahead for Southwest state president Sharif Hassan are huge, you are expected to play more visible and neutral role in speeding up the bottom-up approach of federalization”.

Meanwhile, United Nations envoy to Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay has congratulated the interim leader on his election and follow-up inauguration, saying it is a significant step forward in building strong, united and federal Somalia in line with the values of vision 2016.

“The establishment of the ISWA paves the way to focus efforts on building a functioning administration that is able to deliver much needed services to local communities,” noted Kay.

Former parliament speaker, Adan was elected president in an overwhelming vote on November 17.

As allied forces are making advances on the frontline in southern and central Somalia, Barawe coastal town has been set to host the country’s newest federal state.


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