Somalia: Jubaland leader calls on Somalis abroad to return


KISMAYO, Somalia Jan 26, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) has called on Somalis in the Diaspora to return home on account of improving security situation in the country, Garowe Online reports.

Speaking at special gathering with Diaspora returnees at Jubaland Presidential palace in the southern port city of Kismayo, President Madobe has noted that fishing and agriculture sectors are offering encouraging opportunities for the native residents abroad.

Madobe also commended Somali-Americans for equipping Kismayo General Hospital with modern gears.

Jubaland diaspora members have been flocking into the once bullet-riddled Kismayo where armed militias have long vied for control.

Jubaland is a home to one of the busiest seaports in the war-ravaged East African country.

Locals are heavily reliant on the fertile hinterlands along Jubba River for their livelihoods.

Jubaland is a federal state that shares Somalia’s extreme southern border with neighboring Kenya.


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