Somalia: Jubaland military court executes soldier for murder


KISMAYO, Somalia Nov 23, 2014 (Garowe Online) –Jubaland military court has executed a soldier convicted of killing a 9-year-old boy in the southern port city of Kismayo on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

The convicted killer-Abdirashid Abdi-was executed by the firing squad with prosecutor-general Hassan Ishaq Yarow present.

Addressing reporters at the scene of the execution, Yarow said that soldiers who deliberately kill civilians will face death penalties.

The death sentence and the subsequent execution mark the first since the new state’s first military course was set up last week.

Meanwhile, Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) has jetted off to Dubai through Kenyan capital of Nairobi at official invitation.

Jubaland forces are battling Islamist insurgents in deadly offensives on fertile hinterlands along Juba River.

Following IGAD-brokered bilateral talks in Addis Ababa, Somalia’s Federal Government recognized Jubaland in August 2013.



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