Somalia: Jubaland Peace-building conference underway in Kismayo


KISMAYO, Somalia Sept 16, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Federal Government of Somalia’s President Hassan Shiekh Mohamud is on second visit to the southern port city of Kismayo as Jubaland peace-building conference kicked off in the presence of community and political leaders on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports.

In advance of the gathering, Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) received Mohamud’s delegation at Kismayo International airport where Somalia President inspected guard of honor.

Mohamud addressed conference participants on the choppy stages gone through by Jubaland administration in the course of its existence since May last year.

“Today, reconciliation conference will be kicking off and mutual consensus depends on the hearts of the people,” said Mohamud.”We travelled on long path, we faced numerous challenges but by God’s grace we are here”.

Mogadishu-based Federal Government President also urged all parties to engage in serious dialogue and present their complaints in the peace-building conference.

“I commend Jubaland officials for tolerance and at the same time salute the political retreats being made by those who were complaining,” he said.

Continuing, Mohamud expressed his delight with the outcome of the reconciliation process and pledged continued facilitation to both organizers and delegates. Thirteen representatives from Ministry of Internal and Federal Affairs were set to leap the agendas with security and liberation efforts at the forefront.  


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