Somalia: Jubaland to liberate Al Shabaab-held areas in March


KISMAYO, Somalia Feb 14, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Jubaland administration in southern Somalia said, allied forced will commence military offensives against Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militants in March, Garowe Online reports.

On Saturday, the second Vice President of Jubaland Abdulkadir Haji Mohamud (Lugadere) unveiled that Jubaland forces along with African Union peacekeepers will liberate Al Shabaab-held areas, a day after a visit by AMISOM head and AU envoy to Somalia, Ambassador Maman S. Sidikou to the southern port city of Kismayo.

“AMISOM and Jubaland forces will jointly push ahead with the operation. We discussed the plan for liberation with AMISOM officials,”Mohamud told reporters during a press briefing in Kismayo.

The remarks by Jubaland Vice President have come after AMISOM delegation visited Kismayo on Friday, and held talks with Jubaland officials on the ongoing stabilization operations.

Strategic Kismayo town fell to Kenyan-AMISOM troops alongside local forces in September 2012.


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