Somalia: Jubaland to set up first parliament on Tuesday

KISMAYO, Somalia Jan 18, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Jubaland administration in southern Somalia is gearing up for the formation of first parliament on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports.
Speaking at a press conference in the southern port city of Kismayo on Sunday, Jubaland Vice President Gen. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael (Fartag) unveiled that following parliamentary selection process by local clan elders, the state will set up the chamber of representatives Tuesday.
Gen. Fartag noted that IGAD and Federal Government officials will attend the inaugural ceremony.
Meanwhile, on visits to neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia, he said that the two troop contributing countries will assist Jubaland in dislodging Al Shabaab militants from the areas acquiesced to their rule.
Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) previously declared that Jubaland MPs will be cherry-picked from Lower Jubba, Middle Juba and Gedo by their respective elders.
As a result of IGAD-brokered bilateral talks in Addis Ababa, The federal state gained its recognition from Somalia Federal Government in August 2013.


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