Somalia: Jubaland VP returns to Kismayo Port City


KISMAYO, Somalia Sept 13, 2014 (Garowe Online)-A delegation led by the Vice President of Jubaland Administration Gen. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael Fartaag has returned to the southern port city of Kismayo ahead of anticipated peace-building conference on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

Gen. Fartaag who paid two separate visits to Turkey and Kenya was accompanied by other high-ranking officials on his trip. Ministers and traditional leaders received Vice President’s delegation at Kismayo International airports shortly after their arrival.

According to Jubaland administration, Fartaag held talks with Turkish officials on development projects including the renovation of health and education facilities and the improvement of services at Kismayo seaport.

Turkey Development and Cooperation Agency (TIKA) dispatched a delegation to Kismayo where they met with President Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) and the second Vice President Abdulkadir Haji Mohamed (Lugadhere) last week.

Political and community leaders of Jubaland are expected to gather for peace-building conference on 16th of September.

Kismayo, former economic powerhouse of Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group is recovering from over two-decades of bloody stalemate.


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