Somalia: Mediation underway in Guri’el following deadly clashes


GURI’EL, Somalia Feb 14, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Following deadly clashes, a committee led by former Galmudug President Mohamed Ahmed Alim is brokering a ceasefire deal between warring sides in Galgadud region town of Guri’el of central Somalia, Garowe Online reports.

Accompanied by traditional leaders and politicians who were gathering for reconciliation conference in nearby Dhusamareb, Alim told reporters on Saturday that the opposing militias agreed to their call for ceasefire and to come to the negotiating table.

Residents say, situation returned to normalcy but military movement remains high in and around Guri’el where Somali government forces and militias loyal to the paramilitary group of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamea clashed in deadly battles.

A spokesman for Ahlu Sunnah, Sheikh Hussein Wardhere boasted that they are firmly in charge of full control of the strategic town.

The paramilitary group was part of tripartite agreement that could have paved the way to the formation of federal state in south Mudug and Galgadud.


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