Somalia: PM Sharmarke completes cabinet lineup.


MOGADISHU, Somalia Feb 5, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Amidst growing concerns by international community over 2016 benchmarks, Federal Government of Somalia’s Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke has unveiled the third lineup on Thursday evening, Garowe Online reports.

19 of the 20 ministers revealed last week retained their posts while six new faces appeared in the list. Some cabinet members were also moved to other ministerial dockets.

Among those who retained their ministerial posts are Abdisalan Omar Hadliye, former head of Central Bank and Foreign Affairs Minister, Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali (Diini) former National Army Commander-In-Chief and Defence Minister, Saed Hussein Eid Former Chairman of Puntland Chamber of Commerce-who became Animal Husbandry Minister-Mohamed Adan Farageti Southwest State President’s closest rival and Finance Minister and three female ministers.

Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama (Ilko Jiir), former Puntland Interior Minister who appeared in the first lineup was assigned to the ministry of Justice while six new faces turned up.

14 State Ministers and 26 Deputy Ministers, mainly from the parliament were also read out by name by office of Prime Minister’s secretary.

265-seat-chamber of parliament twice voiced opposition to two lineups, forcing the Prime Minister to request deadline extensions.

The announcement coincides with a remarks by UN envoy to Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay who expressed concern over the fate of vision 2016.

Kay called on political leadership to build confidence among all groups, guide process responsibly, put narrow interest aside and come up with a spirit of compromise.

Somalia MPs ousted two Prime Ministers in no confidence votes, moves that threatened state and peace building efforts.


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