Somalia: Prominent cleric gunned down in Baidoa

BAIDOA, Somalia Jan 18, 2015 (Garowe Online)-A prominent cleric aligned with the paramilitary group of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamea has been shot and killed in Bay regional capital of Baidoa of southwestern Somalia on Saturday evening, Garowe Online reports.
According to security officials, Late Sharif Siidkey-the chairman of Bay's Ahlu Sunnah clerics-was gunned down on his way home from a nearby mosque.
Southwest State security forces immediately arrived at the scene of the shooting, arresting a dozen in subsequent search operations.
Baidoa police station officials say, suspects are being screened over the incident.

Two days ago, two assailants armed with pistols killed Qur'an teacher in Baidoa.
No body claimed responsibility for the killing but Ahlu Sunnah militias are battling Al Shabaab fighters in central Somalia.


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