Somalia: Pro-New PM rally held in Jowhar


JOWHAR, Somalia Dec 22, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Hundreds of residents in Middle Shabelle regional capital of Jowhar took to the streets in support of Prime Minister designate Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke as security officials reported of the arrest of 40 terror suspects on Monday, Garowe Online reports.

The participants at the rally were waving banners that read: “We welcome the appointment of new Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke”.

Addressing crowds at a square in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle region governor Ali Gudlawe Hussein said that the past experience of Sharmarke would be beneficial for Somalia.

Hussein added that the newly-appointed Prime Minister of Somalia is a savior who can leap the country forward.

Among the speakers were also Jowhar mayor Mohamed Ali Mudey and Deputy Governors of Middle Shabelle Sugal Moallim Mohamud and Ahmed Meyre Makaran.

Meanwhile, on account of grenade explosion in Hantiwadaag neighborhood, security forces arrested 40 youths suspected of being terrorists in a sweep.

Some of the suspects are said to have been released from Jowhar police station after interrogation.

The agriculture-rich town, located in southern Somalia is recovering from life-threatening flooding that forced hundreds to flee from their homes.


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