Somalia: Renowned politician killed in Mogadishu terror attack


MOGADISHU, Somalia, February 22, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Popular politician and former Puntland Minister was among over a dozen people killed in apparently coordinated terror attack in volatile Mogadishu on Friday, Garowe Online reports.

Late Abdishakur Mire Adan, who has more recently held a post as the Deputy Chairman of Daljir political Party, died in central hotel bombings during Friday prayers according to officials and relatives.

Between 2002 and 2013, Adan took on different ministerial posts with the former administrations of the north-eastern state.

In 2013, President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole named him as the State Minister for Fisheries in a decree that saw him moved from Information Ministry.

The Editor-in-Chief of Ilays, a weekly newspaper founded by late Adan,  Omar Saed Mohamed told GO that the lengthy journalism career of Abdishakur had been spanning since 1982 when he began writing for Somalia’s first ever daily, ‘October Star’.

Adan joined Somali Speaking Pen in 2003, putting his first book, titled ‘The Growth of Somalia Islamists (1952-2002)’ on display.

A few hours before his death, late Adan said on his twitter handle: “We have caravanned; we will be heading to the green pasture, place on which rainy cloud lighting has fallen and suitable for the eyes”.

Former Puntland President Dr. Farole commiserated with Somalis over the inhumane killing of innocent people, wishing swift recovery to the wounded.

Garowe Online Editors and Staff Writers extend heartfelt condolences to the Somali People and the bereaved families of terror attack victims. May Allah rest the soul of late Adan and those killed in the futile attack in peace.

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