Somalia: Security sweeps in Kismayo and Jowhar net scores


KISMAYO/JOWHAR, Somalia Nov 13, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Jubaland security forces conducted massive search operation in the southern port city of Kismayo on Thursday, arresting 70 Al Shabaab suspects, Garowe Online reports.

Jubaland administration officials confirmed to GO that terror suspects are being interrogated at intelligence facility.

Security forces commenced night patrol which dragged to second day on Wednesday, with search operations targeting occupants in vehicles on Kismayo’s main roads.

On the other hand, Somali government soldiers have carried out similar sweep in Middle Shabelle regional capital of Jowhar.

Jowhar Police station commander Mohamed Siyad Ali told reporters that the door-to-door security sweep netted terror suspects and is part of series of operations aimed at cleansing organized crimes of the town.

Last week, Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency captured dozens suspected of being Al Shabaab members and weapons cache.


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