Somalia: Somaliland denies supporting Al Shabaab


HARGEISA, Somalia Feb 15, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somaliland’s separatist administration in northern Somalia on Sunday denied it supports Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militants a week after its neighbour to the east, Puntlad made accusations, Garowe Online reports.

Minister for Interior Ali Mohamed Waran Adde said on BBC Somali Service that Puntland falsely levelled criticism at Somaliland without tangible evidences.

Waran Adde pointed accusing fingers at Puntland Security Minister Hassan Osman Alore who he said lacks political background and failed in domestic affairs.

“From now on, Somaliland recognizes Allore a criminal and he will not be allowed to arrive in. If he comes to Somaliland, he will be pinched,” Somaliland Interior Minister went on during the interview.

On January 30, Puntland censored Somaliland over the ownership of weapon-loaded ship, pointing out it could fall into the hands of Al Shabaab militants operating in hideouts along Golis Mountain Ranges and the rugged terrain of Galgala, allegations categorically denied by the breakaway region.

Following a pre-planned raid on a hotel in the Gulf of Aden Port City of Bossaso, Puntland security officials displayed Somaliland banknotes found in the pockets of Al Shabaab attackers-something it said proves the region’s support for the terror group.

On February 14, Puntland Security Minister lambasted Somaliland for allowing Al Shabaab fugitives free passage into Galgala.

Both Puntland and Somaliland, located in northern Somaliland have been at loggerheads over the control of Sool and Sanaag regions since 1998.

Somaliland militarily seized Sool regional capital of Lasanod from Puntland forces in October 2007. 


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