Somalia: Somaliland denies UN Monitors access to Berbera port

BERBERA, Somalia Jan 29, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somaliland's separatist administration in northwestern Somalia has denied UN Monitors access to Berbera seaport according to independent sources, Garowe Online reports.
UN experts along with Ethiopian consular officials were refused entry into the port after a ship allegedly carrying weapons docked a few days ago.
High-ranking officials in Somaliland government reportedly issued the order to bar visiting UN monitors from the seaport.
Garowe Online was unable to reach UN experts for comments on the matter.
Somaliland Interior Minister Ali Mohamed Waran Adde earlier last week told the media that MV Shakir was loaded by local businessmen from Port Sudan but later he confirmed the security officials found three armored vehicles, 10 AK47 rifles and ammunition inside the ship.
Ever since in depth investigations have been underway and no findings were released to the media.

UN Security Council imposed arms embargo on Somalia in 1992 following the ouster of long standing military government.


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