Somalia: Somaliland puts seized weapons shipment on display


BERBERA, Somalia Feb 1, 2015 (Garowe Online)—Despite growing concerns by Puntland, Somaliland's separatist administration has put seized weapons shipment on public display, Garowe Online reports.

During a parade-like event that attracted dozens of journalists, Somaliland said the arms seized on MV Shakir, a Sudanese-registered ship included heavy weapons such as tanks, artillery pieces and modern combat vehicles.

On Thursday, authorities denied experts from United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea entry into Berbera seaport where offloading was underway.
The following day, Somaliland's neighbor to the east, Puntland expressed graft concern over the fate of the seized weapons shipment, saying it could fall into the hands of terrorists operating in the rugged terrain of Galgala.

Somaliland's Minister for Security called allegations leveled against the breakaway region 'unfounded and fabricated'.

Puntland lambasted Somaliland for importing the weapons in violation of the UN's arms embargo at the height of civil war in 1992.

Somaliland, located in northern Somalia declared its independence from the rest of the country as de facto sovereign state but it has not been recognized internationally yet.


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