Somalia: Somaliland responds to allegations by Puntland


BERBERA, Somalia Feb 2, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somaliland’s separatist administration in northwestern Somalia has responded to allegations by Puntland of aiding terrorist in Galgala, Garowe Online reports.

Addressing reporters in Berbera Port City on Monday, Somaliland’s Minister for Interior Ali Mohamed Waran Adde said remarks by Puntland security minister are inconsistent with what he described ‘ongoing dialogue’ between the two sides, a day after the breakaway region put consignment of illegal arms on public display.

He has not spotlighted the nature of the negotiations despite Turkey-brokered bilateral talks between Somalia Federal Government and Somaliland.

“The man [Puntland security Minister] who spoke in Garowe is detrimental to the talks between Puntland and Somaliland and revealed filthy hostility to Somaliland people,” he went on, confirming that the heavy weapons on Sudanese-registered ship, MV Shakir are on the ground.

Meanwhile, Somaliland for the first time unveiled that officials in Sudan are in direct contact with the government.

Last Friday, Puntland-neighbor to the east-censured Somaliland over the ownership of the weapons shipment, with security Minister lambasting the separatist administration for throwing financial and military support behind militants operating in hideouts along Golis Mountain Ranges and in the rugged terrain of Galgala.

Nevertheless, Somaliland minister called Puntland accusations ‘distorted and unfounded’.

Earlier in early 2014, Puntland President Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali accused Somaliland of financing beleaguered Al Shabaab fighters.

Puntland forces have been engaging in sporadic and fierce clashes with militants since mid-2010 when underground cells came into open.

Somaliland and Puntland have long vied for the control of vast territories in the disputed Sool and Sanaag regions where politicians carved out the self-declared administration of Khaatumo.

UN imposed weapons embargo on the East African country at the height of civil war.


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