Somalia: Southwest state leader on visit to Jubaland


KISMAYO, Somalia Dec 27, 2014 (Garowe Online)-The leader of Somalia’s newest Federal state of southwest Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan has arrived in Jubaland capital of Kismayo on official visit on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe), ministers, traditional leaders and banner-waving residents received Adan at Kismayo International airport.

After a closed-doors meeting in Jubaland presidential palace, Madobe and Adan spoke to the media on the outcome of their bilateral talks.

“Prior to southwest state formation, Jubaland was set up and Puntland played a pivotal role in the process, today Jubaland is throwing support behind southwest state administration,” said Madobe, adding that the two states will closely cooperate with each other on trade and security.

Meanwhile, the newly-elected president of southwest state, Adan thanked Jubaland people and administration officials for the warm welcome.

Adan is making the second stopover in Kismayo after a trip to southwest state capital city and former Al Shabaab stronghold Barawe coastal town last week.


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