Somalia: Three Jubaland soldiers found dead near military base


KISMAYO, Somalia Dec 8, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Three Jubaland soldiers were found dead in the outskirts of the southern port city of Kismayo, Garowe Online reports.

The three bodies were on Sunday uncovered near a military base that lies a few kilometers away from Kismayo presidential palace according to witnesses.

Jubaland officials could not be reached for comments but independent sources disclose that the three soldiers, two men and a woman identified as Hawo Wiilo fought alongside former warlord-Col. Barre Adan Shire (Barre Hirale)-militias.

In early September, Barre Hirale surrendered to African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM) following a two-month long IGAD-brokered mediation efforts.

Jubaland forces alongside Kenyan-AMISOM battalions are battling Al Shabaab militants in remote areas near Kismayo.

Mogadishu-based Federal Government gave Jubaland official recognition in August 2013.


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