Somalia: TV journalist gunned down in Galkayo


GALKAYO, Somalia Nov 18, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Unidentified assailants have gunned down a journalist working for UK-based channel Horn Cable TV and Daljir radio shortly after evening prayers according to witnesses, Garowe Online reports.

Late Abdirisak Ali Abdi (Silver) was shot dead by two gunmen near Hero Darawish complex on his way home.

The attackers used pistols for the assassination, and shot him in the head. The gunmen managed to flee  before the arrival of police, security officials said.

The TV journalist who previously worked for Galkayo and Voice of Peace FM stations is survived by two sons and a wife.

The killing marks the third media worker to be gunned down in Mudug regional capital of Galkayo of central Somalia since the year 2011.

Garowe Online editors and staff writers extend sincere and heartfelt condolence to the bereaved families and Somali journalists on the loss of late Abdirasak Ali Abdi (Silver). May Allah rest his soul in eternal peace.

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