Somalia: Two warring clans clinch peace deal in Afgooye


AFGOOYE, Somalia Jan 28, 2015 (Garowe Online)- Traditional leaders representing two warring clans have signed 9-point agreement in the town of Afgoye, 25km west of Mogadishu on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports.

Southwest State’s Minister for Reconciliation Abdulkadir Nur Arale has read out the points of the agreement to the media with President Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan, Islamic Scholars and Politicians from the two clans present.

Arale said that anybody who breaches the peace deal would face the justice in line with the customary laws and the constitution.

“The two sides agreed that Somalia army and police be deployed in the areas where the clan clashes took place,” he said, adding that clan militias in Lower shabelle region of southern Somalia will be trained and demobilized.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the agreement, the President of Southwest State administration Adan requested the two clans to implement the deal, and expressed his delight with the termination of hostilities.

Dozens died in fierce confrontations between uniformed militiamen, with UN experts warning of the effect of struggle for regional influence in confidential report in 2013.


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