Somalia: UN envoy condemns Mogadishu suicide bombing


MOGADISHU, Somalia Oct 16,2014 (Garowe Online)-United Nations envoy to Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay has condemned a terror attack on a popular restaurant in volatile Mogadishu overnight on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports.

Kay said in a press statement from his office that he is appalled by the complete disregard for the lives of unarmed civilians: “I strongly condemn last night’s cowardly terrorist attack. I am appalled by the complete disregard for the lives of ordinary Somalis, including children and passers-by”.

Continuing, UN envoy unveiled that such heinous acts could amount to crimes against humanity.

“The perpetrators need to be brought to justice swiftly,” he added.

Ambassador Kay once again reiterated United Nations commitment to peace, pledging that they stand by Somalis in their quest for more stable Somalia.

At least twenty people were killed in a suicide bombing at a restaurant popular with ordinary residents.

A spokesman for the beleaguered Al Shabaab militants Abdiasis Abu Muscab said, they targeted intelligence officials in the attack.


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