Somalia: Intelligence Service raids TV station, journalists arrested


MOGADISHU, Somalia, October 3, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency has raided UK-based Somali channel offices in Mogadishu, putting journalists behind bars, Garowe Online reports.

The Intelligence officers captured Universal TV’s East Africa Director, Abdullahi Hirsi Kulmiye and presenter, Awil Dahir Salad.

The television station has also been taken off air according to media fraternity.

The arrest is thought to be relating to a debate aired on Universal TV last Thursday. Some MPs called the President, Prime Minister and the Parliament Speaker ‘foreign stooges’, and pointed finger of blame at neighboring countries.

Intelligence Agency initially summoned the two to its headquarters; however it later informed Kulmiye and Salad about their arrest.

National Union of Somali Journalists condemned the move, calling for their immediate release. 


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