Somalia: Puntland-Galmudug tensions spur potent mediations


GALKAYO, Somalia, November 29, 2015 (Garowe Online)-As precarious calm prevails, politicians and Islamic scholars have embarked on broader efforts to quell tensions sparked by the construction of paved road, Garowe Online reports.

As of Sunday, warring sides were opting for reprieve from deadly clashes in restive central Galkayo town.

Federal Government of Somalia’s Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke along with Southwest State leader, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan has arrived in Galkayo while a delegation led by Jubaland leader, Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) landed at Garowe airport to give fresh impetuses to the ongoing mediations.

Speaking to reporters on arrival, Prime Minister Sharmarke has expressed optimism of the process, saying the talks will bear fruits.

Sharmarke called on both Puntland and Galmudug to help displaced families return to Galkayo, where Puntland forces and Galmudug clashed in sporadic battles over past days.  

Meanwhile in Garowe, Puntland President, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali welcomed pouring calls for restraint and ceasefire in a joint press conference with Madobe at the State House.

Ali criticized Mogadishu-based federal government for taking sides in the conflict, a day after reports of soldiers fighting alongside Galmudug troops cited in a statement released by Presidential spokesman.

Jubaland President, Madobe said, he is dismayed at armed tensions in Galkayo.

Madobe is being accompanied by his Vice president, Gen. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael Fartag and an entourage of ministers and parliamentarians on visit to Puntland.

On Monday, warring parties are expected to roundtable over the dispute with Somali political leaders present.

Clerics have in part pressed Puntland and Galmudug leaders to agree to peace and leave aside grudges.

Galkayo has been a potential flashpoint for recurrent clashes since 1993, when local clans acceded to peace pact. 


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