Somalia: Galkayo gunfight leaves two dead, 11 wounded


GALKAYO, Somalia, November 14, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Attack on garage in central Galkayo city led to two deaths and left eleven wounded according to medics and security officials on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

Paramilitary unit commander, Abdirashid Hassan Hashi has told the media that the deadly incident occurred early in the morning after gunmen attacked the garage expropriated by the government last month.

Three of the eleven wounded in subsequent armed confrontation are in critical condition according to Galkayo General Hospital Director, Mohamed Hussein Adan.

Efforts being spearheaded by Puntland President expelled many occupants from public buildings.

Agaran district councilor, Abdisalan Mohamud Moallim blamed Public Works and Housing Minister, Abdirashid Mohamed Hirsi and Galkayo Mayor, Abdiasis Jama Nugal for being responsible for the armed confrontation.

New Galkayo town planning ignited dispute, with plan stumbled on alleged deficit and stiff opposition from locals. 


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