Al-Shabaab attack foiled in Somalia's largest market


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Security teams in Mogadishu have intercepted an Al-Shabaab militant planting explosives in the city's largest open-air market, authorities said, preventing a would-be devastating attack in the capital, targeting thousands of civilians.

According to reports, security teams arrested a man planting explosives at Bakara Market in Mogadishu on Sunday, making yet another milestone in the country's alertness to terror attacks, which have been rocking the nation for the last two decades.

Salah Dheere, the spokesperson of Banadir regional administration, said security forces arrested the suspected Al-Shabaab militant and is currently being subjected to interrogation to establish the motive of the foiled attack. The explosives were brought in a rickshaw, officials said.

The apprehension followed information obtained from CCTV cameras, which the government had ordered to be installed in every commercial center, authorities confirmed. The cameras have helped the country monitor most parts of the capital with ease.

Currently, security teams are trying to establish the networks used by the militants in the capital to arrest more culprits. Mogadishu has been enjoying relative stability for the last 12 months following massive security operations in the capital.

Somalia successfully argued for the lifting of the arms embargo, with the country now vowing to invest in local forces ahead of the anticipated exit of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia [ATMIS] troops. While lifting restrictions on Friday, the United Nations Security Council also imposed an arms embargo on Al-Shabaab.

The group has been losing influence across the country following sustained operations by members of the Somali National Army, ATMIS, and the US Africa Command. In the coming weeks, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said, the second phase of operations will start in Southwest and Jubaland states.


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