EDNF Chief: Somalia is incapable of confronting Ethiopia


ADDIS ABABA - The Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) chief Field Marshal General Birhanu Jula has dismissed the capacity of Somalia to handle Ethiopia, arguing that the country does not have such an ability and capacity to do so.

In a widely televised interview, General Jula slammed President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, arguing that he is incapable of securing Mogadishu from the al-Shabaab militants. According to him, Somalia should first defend the sea before confronting Ethiopia.

The military chief said Hassan Sheikh is "incapable" of "confronting us" and "securing the capital Mogadishu". General Jula has traditionally issued alarming statements that could trigger disintegration in the Horn of Africa region.

"He should protect his seat before confronting Ethiopia with weapons supplied by Egypt," he said in a blistering verbal attack on Somalia's embattled leader during a recent interview.

Jula denied allegations of unauthorized arms shipments to Somalia in a recent interview with local media. He addressed accusations made by Somalia, stating, "We did not ship arms. Even if we had, it would not be something to be ashamed of."

These comments follow statements made by Somalia’s Foreign Minister, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, who claimed Ethiopia had made unauthorized arms deliveries to certain regions of Somalia and suggested that Somalia might support Ethiopian rebels.

In response, Berhanu warned, "If the rhetoric of interference and inciting civil war continues, we will not only ship arms. We will also take other actions as necessary."

Ethiopia is at loggerheads with Somalia over access to the Red Sea, with the latter dismissing an agreement signed between Addis Ababa and Hargeisa on the recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign state. Somaliland has agreed to cede 20 kilometers of the Red Sea to Ethiopia for the construction of a military base and port.

Somalia has faulted the agreement, maintaining that it shall defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity at all costs. The country has since signed an agreement with Egypt on strengthening its local forces, heightening tensions further.


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