Ethiopia rules out Egyptian military's participation in AU support mission in Somalia


NAIROBI, Kenya - For the first time since the emergence of conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia over alleged violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, Addis Ababa has warned against the involvement of Cairo in Somalia’s peace processes, creating further confusion.

Somalia has backed Egypt to head the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) which replaces the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) in January 2025, ruling out the possibility of Ethiopia being part of the arrangement.

But Tarekegn Bululta, Ethiopia's State Minister for Industry, maintains his country has played a major role in the stabilization mission of Somalia, adding that the gains made in combating terrorism should be credited to Ethiopia.

According to him, it will be a grave decision to sideline Ethiopia in favour of Egypt, whose camaraderie with Somalia has significantly improved in the last seven months. Egypt and Ethiopia are also embroiled in a tussle over the generation of hydroelectric power from the Nile River.

"Ethiopia has played a significant role in Somalia's stability. Its involvement in combating terrorism fosters bilateral cooperation. Egypt's military will not be part of the African Union Support Mission in Somalia. we won't permit other parties to cause instability in the region," he said.

Despite the protests, Egypt deployed heavy machinery to Somalia, which shall be used by the local troops ahead of the arrival of the AUSSOM contingent in the country. The donation of the military hardware to Somalia has caused jitters in Ethiopia and the breakaway region of Somaliland.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the president of Egypt, maintained that his country shall use all resources at its disposal to protect Somalia from external aggression. Egypt and Somalia had recently signed defense pacts.

“Somalia is an Arab state in the Arab League with rights, according to the Charter of the League, to collective defense against any threat it faces. We are not threatening anyone; we are stating this for clarity," the president said in New York.

"We will not allow anyone to threaten Somalia .. don’t test Egypt … and try to threaten its brothers, especially if our brothers ask us for support," he added during the United Nations General Assembly meeting.

Ethiopia had signed an agreement that granted it 20 kilometers of access to the Red Sea for the construction of a military base and port in exchange for recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign state. The move angered Somalia which maintains that Somaliland is part of her territory.


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