Jubaland supports proposed talks, insists venue to be Mogadishu


KISMAYO, Somalia - Jubaland state under President Ahmed Madobe has endorsed plans to end the pre-election standoff in Somalia, following yet another request from outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who has struggled to end the impasse.

A fortnight ago, the federal member states and the federal government failed to reach a deal at Dhusamareeb, the regional administrative capital of Galmadug, after Farmajo and his team walked out just about the same time his term in office lapsed constitutionally.

Early this week, Farmajo called for a meeting to discuss some of the issues that have contributed to the stalemate, adding that stakeholders would meet in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, to iron out the issues following pressure from the opposition and international community.

While agreeing with the meeting, the Jubaland state, however, insisted that the conference should be held in Mogadishu, the country's capital, adding that it would give room for more stakeholders to attend the summit. A similar statement was issued by Madobe.

"The Government of Jubaland State of Somalia welcomes the proposed consultative meeting scheduled on February 15th," it day. "However, Jubaland Government recommends that the meeting be held in Mogadishu and all the Somali political stakeholders participate in it."

Further, Jubaland also insisted that the mandate of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and his team lapsed, arguing that it's important now all stakeholders get a chance to attend the meeting.

"The mandate of the Federal Government of Somalia has ended on February 8th, 2021. Therefore, it is critical all the stakeholders attend the proposed consultative meeting on February 15th in Mogadishu," read the statement.

In a statement earlier this week, Villa Somalia did not give indications on who will and who should not attend the meeting.

The international community has been calling for the dialogue, arguing that Somalia has no option but to have a substantive government in place.


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