New British Ambassador presents her credentials to Somalia President


MOGADISHU, Somalia, July 20, 2015 (Garowe Online)-The newly appointed British Ambassador to Somalia Harriet Mathews presented her credence letter to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Monday, Garowe Online reports.

President Mohamud initially thanked for Britain’s constant support which he said, has been a vital to the country’s recovery.

“We impressively thank United Kingdom and Prime Minister David Cameron who strived to direct the attention of international community towards Somalia situation. Since [London Conference], Somalia has been in progress,” Mohamud told Ambassador Mathews.

He briefed new British Ambassador on security, political and economic development of the country, pointing out that Somalia is still in need of international assistance to achieve success in rebuilding after years of bloody conflict.

On her side, Mathews praised Somalia government for advances made in federalism and vision 2016.

Mohamud and Cameron have been scheduled to meet on the sidelines of United Nations General Assembly in September.  

Britain hosted two key conferences on Somalia, pledging millions for ongoing recovery and reconstruction programmes. 


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