Pomp and fun flare as Somalia celebrates 64th independence anniversary


MOGADISHU, Somalia - There was pomp and fun flare across the country as Somalia celebrated its 64th independence celebrations, with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud leading the celebrations as the Somali National Army (SNA) displayed its might and capability.

For the better part of Monday morning, units of the National Armed Forces took part in a military parade to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the country's independence in July Somalia became independent in 1964 after occupation by both the British and Italians.

The Somali Army helicopters were sighted flying over Mogadishu and dropped congratulatory messages with the main celebrations expected today. The country has made huge milestones despite the challenges witnessed throughout the last three decades.

Turkey, a strategic ally of Somalia, congratulated the Somali government and people on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the country's independence. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said,

"We will do our utmost to enhance the comprehensive cooperation between our countries and continue to work for the lasting stability and prosperity of Somalia."

During a grand ceremony at Villa Somalia for the 64th Independence Day, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud saluted the Somali National Army. The national flag was raised at midnight, followed by fireworks and the national anthem, celebrating the historic occasion.

King Charles III also joined the country during celebrations by penning a heartfelt message to the people of Somalia. The British ruled Somaliland before it joined Italian Somalia to form a union in 1960, which has since fallen after differences emerged.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud pledged to prioritise the fight against Al-Shabaab, a group which has lost large swathes of rural central and southern regions for the last two months. Several governments are represented in the celebrations.


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