Somalia: Allied forces squeeze militants out of key town


UFUROW, Somalia, July 19, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somali government forces aided by Ethiopian peacekeepers wrested control of strategic Ufurow town in southwestern Somalia on Sunday morning according to officials, Garowe Online reports.

Heavy battle raged in the outskirts of Ufurow, agriculture-rich town and key springboard in Bay region before final thrust by allied forces, residents reported.

Somalia government and Al Shabaab have not disclosed any casualties from the fierce battle to the media yet.

Somali National Army (SNA) commander, Hussein Abdi Harun has confirmed that they are in control of Ufurow.

“Somali government forces and AMISOM squeezed out a victory against anti-peace elements. It’s secure and we are firmly in charge of the control of the town,” Harun told the media.

He added that they will move into Bay regional district of Diinsor in what appears to be fresh offensive to cement gains in central and southern Somalia.

Meanwhile, Ethiopian forces are still advancing towards Gedo region town, Bardera, another stronghold acquiesced to the dwindling rule of Al Shabaab.

Militants lost a string of strategic towns in intense military campaign over the last two years. 


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