Somalia-Ethiopia Talks in Ankara Fail to Reach Agreement on Somaliland Deal


ANKARA, Turkey — Talks aimed at resolving a dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia over Ethiopia's deal with the breakaway region of Somaliland ended without an agreement in Ankara on Tuesday.

The dispute stems from a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by Ethiopia with Somaliland, a region that declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not been internationally recognized. The MoU grants Ethiopia access to Somaliland's Red Sea ports in exchange for recognition of Somaliland's independence.

The talks in Ankara were part of a mediation effort by Turkey, which has close ties with both Ethiopia and Somalia. However, the negotiations hit a snag as Ethiopia insisted on a preliminary agreement with Somalia, with Turkey proposed as a guarantor. Somalia, on the other hand, declined to engage in face-to-face negotiations, effectively halting the talks.

According to sources close to the negotiations, the main sticking points were the fate of the controversial MoU and Ethiopia's quest for sea access. Ethiopia has been landlocked since Eritrea seceded in 1993, taking with it Ethiopia's coastline.

In a joint statement, the foreign ministers of Somalia and Ethiopia reiterated their commitment to the peaceful resolution of their differences and expressed their appreciation to Turkey for its facilitation and constructive contributions. The third round of talks is scheduled to start on September 17, to reach a "sustainable and viable" agreement.

The collapse of the second round of talks underscores the complex and sensitive nature of the issues at hand. The dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia over Somaliland's independence and Ethiopia's access to the sea has the potential to destabilize the Horn of Africa region. The outcome of the next round of talks in September will be closely watched as it could have significant implications for regional stability and security.


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