Somalia president Hassan Sheikh mourns prominent religious leader


MOGADISHU, Somalia - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has mourned a prominent Somali cleric Sheikh Osman Sheikh Omar alias Sheikh Osman Hiddig, terming him a 'committed scholar' who worked hard to transform the country by deeply supporting 'religious discourse'.

Sheikh Osman Hiddig, 82, died on Saturday morning after a long illness, the family said while acknowledging his contributions to the country's independence and peacebuilding. He has been consistent in his peace missions, they said.

At some point in life, Sheikh Osman Hiddig was a leading Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a scholar and educator. Over the last decades, he ran religious learning centres in Mogadishu and his hometown, El-Dheer, in the Galgudud region.

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was joined by several educationists, politicians, senior government officials and religious scholars in mourning Sheikh Osman Hiddig, who they termed as a 'truth seeker and supporter of Somalia’s sovereignty'.

The president highlighted Osman's contributions to society as a teacher and enthusiast of Islam, adding that his immense knowledge on matters of religion will be cherished forever.

"Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rajicun. May God have mercy on Sheikh Osman Sheikh Omar and Sheikh Daoud. He was a hardworking scholar who spent a lot of time teaching and spreading the Islamic religion," Hassan Sheikh said in a statement.

"He produced many Somali scholars who play a significant role in spreading the faith today," said President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, while asking the country to pray for his family and relatives.

Sheikh Osman Hiddig's funeral is currently underway in Mogadishu. According to multiple family sources, Sheikh Hiddig will be buried in a cemetery near the Shifa mosque in the Karaan district, where he was a frequent guest on religious education.


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