Somalia president reshuffles military amid operations against Al-Shabaab


MOGADISHU, Somalia - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has for the second time this year reshuffled top officers within the Somali National Army [SNA], in what comes amid an ongoing crackdown against Al-Shabaab militants across the country, in the exercise of powers conferred on him as the Commander-in-Chief of the national army.

On Monday, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud conducted a mini-reshuffle which saw Brigadier General Madey Nurey Sheikh appointed Deputy Army Commander. The reshuffle comes weeks after a deadly Al-Shabaab in Cawsweyne village, Galmudug state which left many soldiers dead.

The mini-reshuffle also saw Dayah Abdi Abdulle promoted to Colonel and he will be the new commander of Land Forces, replacing Brigadier General Ahmed Adan Ali who was only appointed to the post in June. The changes come as a shock given the military is actively engaged in the battlefields.

"We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brigadier Madey Nurey Sheikh, the newly appointed Deputy Commander of the Somali National Army and Lieutenant Colonel Dayah Abdi Abdulle, the new Commander of Land Forces. We hope they bring new experiences to the offensive against Khawarij," the Ministry of Defence announced.

In June, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud signed the decree appointing Brigadier General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhiyadin as the new army chief; and Brigadier General Ahmed Adan Ali as the new Land Forces commander. Muhiyadin is the former commander of the Presidential Guards and had studied army logistics at a Modena military college, in Italy.

Ali was one of the officers trained in Ethiopia during President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed’s time. Most recently he was the deputy commander of the 12th April Sector of the army. Muhiyadin replaced Brig. Gen. Odawaa Yusuf Rageh, while Ali replaced Brig. Gen. Mohamed Tahlil Bihi.

The troops are currently involved in active operations in central Somalia within HirShabelle and Galmadug states and in due course, most of them will be deployed to Jubaland and Southwest states for similar operations. They are working closely with US Africa Command and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia [ATMIS] troops.


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