Somaliland Warns Against Turkish Naval Forces' Deployment in Somalia Waters


MOGADISHU, Somalia — The breakaway region of Somaliland has issued a stern warning to Somalia regarding a potential Turkish Navy deployment in its maritime zones.

The region's Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland said in a statement released today that it "vehemently rejects any potential deployment of Turkish naval forces within Somaliland's recognized maritime zones."

The warning comes after an earlier announcement that Turkey was poised to send its navy support to Somali waters following an agreement between Ankara and Mogadishu. The agreement allows Turkey to send an exploration vessel off the coast of Somalia to prospect for oil and gas.

Turkish state media Anadolu Agency reported that President Tayyip Erdogan submitted a motion to the Turkish parliament last week seeking authorization for the deployment of the Turkish military to Somalia, including the country's territorial waters.

According to the Turkish Energy Minister, two of the three blocks were some 50 kilometers off the Somalia coast, and the third one was some 100 km away.

Somaliland's Foreign minister emphasized that these zones are delineated clearly under international law and are essential to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Somaliland. He called upon the international community to respect and uphold the sanctity of its maritime boundaries.

The Somaliland government also called upon the international community to respect and uphold the sanctity of its maritime boundaries.

The warning from Somaliland comes at a time of increasing tensions in the Horn of Africa region, with various countries vying for influence and control over strategic maritime zones.

In February this year, Turkey and Somalia signed a defense cooperation in the wake of Somalia's rejection of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland earlier in January.


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