We are ready for negotiations with Al-Shabaab, says Somalia president


MOGADISHU, Somalia - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud says his administration is ready for negotiations with the Al-Qaeda network in Africa; the al-Shabaab, noting that the group’s ultimate strategy is to get the government’s ear, a motivating factor for their endless battles.

Somalia has been fighting Al-Shabaab for the last 18 years, a move spearheaded by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and aerial assistance from the US Africa Command which is responsible for bombardment.

But in Turkey, Hassan Sheikh said his administration will not hesitate to negotiate with the militants, an idea which could spark divisions within the country's leadership and probably a basis for the next electoral cycle in the Horn of Africa nation.

"We believe that the end game of Al-Shabaab is negotiations when they are ready. We were ready yesterday and tomorrow, we still hope they will be ready for that," said President Hassan Sheikh, the president of Somalia.

The al-Shabaab militants have been losing strategic towns across the country, a move which has informed its retreat, even as the Somali National Army and allies make critical advancements in central and southern regions.

Last week, senior officials from the US Department of Defence said Al-Shabab has reversed all Somali National Army gains made over the last two years and is now working with the Houthi militant group to expand its capabilities in the country.

Although the claims couldn't be substantiated locally, Al-Shabaab purchases weapons from the Middle East and Yemen is their major route. The country has been in turmoil since the emergence of the Arab Spring which destabilised many countries in the Horn of Africa.

The al-Shabaab militants have traditionally killed innocent civilians besides targeting security teams in various bases across the country. To tame the group, the government is targeting those sponsoring the group financially.

On social networks, Somalia has brought down the media sites used by the group to spread propaganda. It is not clear why President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud opted for negotiations at the time the country was making tremendous gains in the overall fight and strategy.


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