ONLF leader returns to Ethiopia after peace deal


ADDIS ABABA - A delegation composed of the senior leadership of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) arrived in Ethiopia this morning.

Upon arrival, the delegation was received by Ahmed Shide, Chairperson of the Somali People’s Democratic Party (SPDP), and Mustafa Omer, Deputy Chief Administrator of the Somali regional state.

Among members of the delegation include chair of the Front, Mohamed Omar.

The Front’s army returned a week ago to the Somali regional state from their base in Eritrea after the

ONLF had reached an agreement with the government of Ethiopia.

The government and the Front signed a peace deal in the Eritrean capital Asmara last month.

The two sides reached a historic deal that allowed the ONLF to undertake peaceful political struggle in Ethiopia.

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