Second contingent of Kenyan forces arrives in Goma, DR Congo


GOMA, DRC - The Kenya Defense Forces [KDF] second contingent of troops arrived in Goma on Wednesday evening as part of over 900 Kenyan troops that will be sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo to help fight the notorious M23 rebel group.

Kenyan troops have been deployed under the banner of a regional bloc arrived in the war-ravaged east of the DRC.

KDF will be joined by troops from other member states of the East African Community (EAC) to help the Congolese government battle rebels.

According to Chiko Tshitambwe Jerome, Congolese Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations the presence of Kenyan soldiers will enable military gains.
"I hope we will evolve in an offensive mission, to finally bring peace in our country the DRC with 2 priorities the M23 and this Rwandan aggression.”
Major General Jeff Nyaga, EAC Force Commander pointed out two main goals during the press conference in Goma.

"We are here to protect and defend the Goma International Airport, including the Force headquarters, as the other processes go on."

The East African Community Heads of state agreed in June to deploy regional force in DRC to help fight the rebel group.

Commander Nyaga further pointed out."The second on that track which is very critical for you to note is the issue of disarmament and demobilization. Not only targeting M23 (rebel forces) because we seem all focused to be on M23, we have over 120 armed groups in eastern DRC. And they have instigated a significant degree of insecurity. If these two tracks fail, then we will automatically transit to the third track, which is military action."

The M23 rebel group rose to prominence about a decade ago when its fighters seized control of Goma. They later entered into a peace agreement with the government but re-emerged late last year saying the terms had not been met.


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