Airstrike kills over 30 Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia


MOGADISHU, Somalia - At least 30 Al-Shabaab militants were killed in a drone strike on Saturday, officials said, the second airstrike within a week engineered by the US Africa Command in coordination with the Somali National Army (SNA), which is taking charge of security responsibilities in the country.

State media notes that the airstrike was activated in Jilib Marka near Marka town. The town is prone to Al-Shabaab attacks, a group that controls large swathes of rural central and southern regions, where active operations are also being undertaken.

The operation is being conducted by Somali security forces, with support from partner forces, a phrase that often refers to air support. The government of the United States has been supporting the country in the fight against Al-Shabab for the last 30 years.

Aerial bombardments have to some extent helped in degrading Al-Shabaab militants in the last two decades. The US trains Danab commandos who are critical in the fight against Al-Shabaab, who have been battling to control the government.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud announced total war against Alshabab when he took over power in 2022 and since then, the militants have been on the receiving end. The first phase of operations against Al-Shabaab focused on Galmadug and Hirshabelle.

The second phase will focus on Jubaland and Southwest states but has been delayed due to logistical challenges. The government has also intensified surveillance on Al-Shabaab sources of revenue, which mostly targets businesses.

To further frustrate the group, the government has closed websites and social media platforms used by the group to spread propaganda. The militants have been fighting to topple the fragile UN-backed federal government of Somalia.


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