Somalia: Caretaker PM missed campaign speech amid sudden visit to Nairobi


NAIROBI, Kenya- Caretaker Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke whose an Upper House candidate has missed the campaign speech event for the candidates held at Puntland Parliament Hall on Wednesday, following a sudden trip to neighboring Kenya, Garowe Online reports.

According to close sources who spoke on a condition of anonymity, caretaker PM Sharmarke has jetted off to the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Monday without the company of his close aides to hold private meetings with the leaders of the Kenyan government.

So far it’s not clear what the meetings have focused about but reports indicated that the sides have discussed the lingering maritime dispute between Somalia and Kenya, whereas caretaker PM whose also a presidential candidate is planning to secure funding for his presidential campaign.   

Sharmarke then the Prime Minister for the Transitional Federal Government in 2009, has endorsed the controversial MoU with Kenya to settle boundary dispute in bilateral talks between the two countries. The signed MoU drew public anger and heavy criticism against Sharmarke, who called him to suspend his race for lack of integrity and competence to run for the highest office in Somalia.

Neighboring countries whose military forces are serving under the peacekeeping troops in the war-torn Somalia, have always had self-interest motives to exert considerable influence in the Somali elections. 

Somalia is preparing to hold parliamentary and presidential elections that are expected to conclude in less than two months.


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