We need consultations before new peacekeepers come to Somalia, Ethiopia insists


ADDIS ABABA - The government of Ethiopia insists the United Nations and the African Union must engage in constructive consultations before the new peacekeeping mission team takes over from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

ATMIS mandate is set to expire by the end of this year, with the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) set to take over. Egypt has been proposed by Somalia as the team leader in the new setup.

A few months ago, Somalia said that “Ethiopian troops will not be part of the AU-led forces” that will operate in Somalia once the ATMIS mandate ends in December this year. The two countries are embroiled in tussles over access to the Red Sea, which Ethiopia is pushing for.

“While the African Union and the United Nations are preparing for this transition the region is entering into uncharted waters. Repeated calls by Ethiopia and other troop-contributing countries (TCCs) have not been taken seriously, the Ministry reiterated, further imploring that Ethiopia is “being expected to ignore hostile statements and the continued attempt to undermine the sacrifices of Ethiopian defense forces.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia maintained it has “worked tirelessly for the peace and security of Somalia and the region, for shared growth, and has nurtured the close bond between the peoples of the region.”

On talks with Somalia following the controversial agreement on access to the Red Sea between Ethiopia and Somalia, the Horn of Africa nation maintains it had made progress in Ankara before Somalia bolted out. However, the talks had collapsed according to Somalia.

While maintaining that Somalia is being used by external factors to destabilize the region, Ethiopia said there was need for the United Nations and the African Union to take concerns seriously from the troops contributing countries.

“Forces trying to inflame tension for their short-term and futile objectives must shoulder the grave ramifications. Ethiopia cannot tolerate these actions that endanger the gains made against regional and international terrorist groups.”

The Ministry further reiterated that “Ethiopia remains committed to the peaceful resolution of differences and to working with the people of Somalia and the international community to avert dangers to the peace and stability of the region.”


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