Al Shabaab hotbeds in central Somalia dismantled-Presidency


MOGADISHU, Somalia-Special Forces have dismantled “at least three Al Shabaab hotbeds” on central Hiran region’s border with Middle Shabelle, Somali Presidency said in statement on Sunday.

The commando troopers in helicopters raided Al Shabaab hideouts in Gobele area in what appears to be the latest in a string of pre-planned anti-terror assaults jointly coordinated by Somali government in Mogadishu, African Union peacekeepers and the US.  

The statement from Somali President’s office noted that the neutralized hotbeds have been used by militants as a Launchpad for terror attacks in Middle Shabelle region.  Residents in nearby vicinities reported that heavy shelling in Gobele was heard late on Saturday night.  

Somali officials and local sources have confirmed that calm is prevailing in the areas where the raid took place.  

Allied forces have removed Al Shabaab militants from vast swathes in central and southern Somalia.


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