MP Mohamed Abiib's Arrest Sparks Debate on Political Freedom in Somaliland


HARGEISA, Somalia - Somaliland lawmaker Mohamed Abiib was detained at Egal International Airport in Hargeisa on Monday after returning from the United Arab Emirates, where he had criticized the Somaliland government and the Somali National Movement (SNM). No official reason for the arrest has been provided by authorities.

Abiib, a vocal critic of President Muse Bihi's government, has repeatedly accused the administration of targeting dissenters. His arrest follows an unsuccessful attempt by the Somaliland Attorney General to lift his parliamentary immunity, a process that faced opposition in parliament and was ruled procedurally invalid.

The parliamentarian has been embroiled in various legal disputes, including allegations of misconduct and confrontations with the House Speaker. Despite these challenges, Abiib has steadfastly denied the allegations, labeling them as politically driven. He has vowed to continue his role unless his constituents in the Awdal region express otherwise.

The arrest has drawn attention to Somaliland's political climate, with concerns about freedom of expression and the treatment of opposition figures. Critics suggest this could indicate a wider suppression of dissent, particularly targeting those like Abiib who openly challenge government policies.

Details regarding Abiib's current location are sparse, with social media reports indicating he might be held at an undisclosed site. The government's lack of transparency on the issue has heightened worries about legal rights and political freedoms in Somaliland.

This event highlights the ongoing political frictions in Somaliland, where the balance between governance and civil liberties remains a sensitive topic. International observers, particularly those invested in regional stability, are expected to keep a close watch on developments, assessing the impact on Somaliland's political stability.


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