NUSOJ Urges Transparency on Information Day Amid Somalia Bill Controversy

FILE PHOTO: NUSOJ Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman.

MOGADISHU, Somalia – On the International Day of Universal Access to Information, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) raised alarms over the recently passed Official Information Bill, warning that it poses a significant threat to Somalia's democratic progress.

The Bill, which has been criticized for potentially restricting information under the pretexts of national security and confidentiality, directly contradicts the day's theme, "Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation in the Public Sector," set by UNESCO for 2024.

NUSOJ Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman expressed concerns about the legislation's impact on democracy, stating, "This Bill could dangerously obscure our governance, limiting public access to crucial information and thus inhibiting democratic engagement."

In response, NUSOJ is advocating for amendments to ensure the Bill aligns with Somalia's constitutional rights and international human rights norms. They call for an inclusive review process involving civil society, media, and the public to guarantee the Bill supports rather than stifles transparency.

"Transparency is not just a democratic necessity; it's the foundation upon which our society's future is built," Osman added, emphasizing the importance of an informed citizenry in strengthening Somalia's democratic institutions.

NUSOJ's statement underlines the urgency for Somalia to protect the right to information, a vital step toward fostering a transparent, accountable government and empowering its citizens for active participation in governance. This call to action serves as a stark reminder that for true progress, Somalia's citizens must have unfettered access to the information that shapes their collective future.


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