Somalia puts UK on notice for siding with Somaliland


MOGADISHU, Somalia - A diplomatic row could emerge between Mogadishu and London following the latest decision by the United Kingdom (UK) to deal directly with Hargeisa, in the middle of the ongoing identity crisis within the Horn of Africa.

On Saturday, Somalia’s Foreign Affairs minister Ahmed Fiqi criticized UK Ambassador to Somalia Mike Nithavrianakis, who had hosted officials from the breakaway region of Somaliland, which is fighting for international recognition.

The Ambassador mentioned Somalia and Somaliland separately while commenting on the work of a humanitarian organization. Fiqi was quick to novel the fault, arguing that the comments affected Somalia’s sovereignty.

"The fragmentation of a unified entity and its reclassification under two distinct names is utterly unacceptable and constitutes a blatant attack on the sovereignty and unity of Somalia," he said on X while commenting on the matter.

Ambassador Mike Nithavrianakis had commended a non-governmental organization that works closely with the regional administration of Somaliland, which purports to be semi-autonomous.

"The UK is proud to support the fantastic work of The HALOTrust in Somalia and Somaliland (and elsewhere around the world)," read part of his message on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday.

"It was a pleasure meeting HALO’s Regional Director and new Country Director this week to build on the very successful work they are doing," the envoy added in a message misconstrued to be a support of Somaliland sovereignty.


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