Somalia: SNA extends offensive against Al-Shabaab in rural areas


MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army (SNA) has extended its offensive against al-Shabaab militants in central regions, as the country pushes to eliminate the militants, who have wreaked havoc in the Horn of Africa nation for the last 16 years.

According to reports, the military has camped in Middle Shabelle for the last couple of months, pursuing Al-Shabaab in various hideouts, where the militants initiate attacks. Al-Shabab is still dominant in central and southern regions.

Top military officials participating in the crackdown said the SNA troops targeted al-Shabaab bases in Eelbaad and Ruunirgood areas which have been the militant’s strongholds. This comes after the military completed the first phase of operations against the Al-Shabaab.

The military also extended operations in Eeldheer and Mesagawey areas and also Shan-Dhagood, Saqeer Nab, Macalin Abukar, and Hussein Cagey, within the region. The government is fighting to liberate the most strategic areas ahead of the foreign military exit from the country.

The military officials further said the national forces will also expand the operation to flush out the militants from areas such as Galcad, Elbur, and Galhareeri.

When he assumed leadership, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud vowed to vanquish the al-Shabaab militants while calling for support from the international community. The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and US Africa Command are also part of the team pursuing Al-Shabaab.

Already, 5000 ATMIS soldiers have left the country, with the third phase of exit targeting another 5,000 by the end of June in compliance with the Somali Transition Plan (STP). The Somali National Army is set to assume security responsibilities by the end of this year.

Besides military operations, the government is also pursuing those facilitating Al-Shabab activities financially. Furthermore, the government has also closed social media sites of the Al-Shabaab which propel the group's propaganda.


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