Somalia Teashop Blast Kills Three, Injures Thirteen


BULABURDE, Somalia - At least three civilians died and 13 were injured in a blast at a teashop in Buloburde, a town in central Somalia, when an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated on Saturday, according to local officials.

The explosion occurred at a teashop known for being a congregation point for locals, members of the town's security forces, and fighters from the Ma'awisley clan militia. The device was reportedly placed in the busy city center, a location chosen for its frequent gatherings.

Officials suspect that Al-Shabaab, an Islamist militant group, was behind the attack, aiming to disrupt peace and target security personnel indirectly. 

Security forces are investigating the incident, with no immediate claim of responsibility from Al-Shabaab or other groups. The attack highlights the persistent threat of violence in Somalia, where such incidents continue to challenge local governance and security efforts.


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