Turkish Navy Fleet to be Deployed in Somalia Waters Soon


MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Turkish presidency confirmed that the Turkish naval troops would arrive in Somalia soon, noting that they would operate within the mandate of the defense cooperation signed in February, six months after Ethiopia signed a controversial maritime MoU with the country's northern breakaway region of Somaliland.

The Turkish troops will train Somalia's naval forces in a move geared towards encountering emerging threats such as piracy, illegal fishing, and other maritime security challenges. On Saturday, July 27, the Turkish parliament endorsed the two-year deployment proposal from the presidency and is set to vote for the deployment quest. 

Early this year, Somaliland signed an illegal Memorandum of Understanding with Ethiopia which would automatically give the Horn of Africa nation access to the Red Sea for the construction of a naval base and port. In exchange, Ethiopia would recognize Somaliland as a sovereign state.

Besides maritime protection, Somalia and Turkey signed a hydrocarbon exploration agreement, allowing the Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) to explore oil and gas in Somali waters. Turkey is a strategic development and security partner of Somalia.

Turkey also trains the Somali military's elite GorGor troops and Haram'ad police who play a significant role in the fight against Al-Shabaab. The Al-Shabaab militants have been fighting to topple the fragile UN-backed federal government of Somalia for the last two decades.

The upcoming Turkish naval deployment reflects the deepening ties between the two nations and highlights the complex geopolitical landscape in the Horn of Africa, analysts argue. The Al-Shabab militants usually target Turkey's infrastructure and civilians in Somalia.


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